Wednesday, 25 May 2016

The Careers Expo

The Careers Expo is where a whole lot of careers are displayed to year 7 to year 13 and they get to see what goes on behind some careers, at the Horncastle Arena. My 
experience is that there is heaps of freebies such as sunglasses, (which I am wearing in the photo.) pens, lollies and pamphlets. Sometimes the odd prize. The only bad thing was there was sooo many people were there. You were always bumping into people. But overall it was great. Here are some pics.             

This is me at the Ara engineering career on the pit bike.

Me at another engineering stall.

This is a little sprint car.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Building a chicken coop

One day, during the holidays, Mum bought a flat-pack chicken coop  to house the chickens she got for Christmas. I volunteered to put it together. My vote was taken and that is why I am writing about this. I really enjoyed putting it together. ZoĆ« was on the instructions and giving me the screws I needed. Mum was my apprentice. It was easy to assemble but it was hard work because I used a screw driver not an electric battery drill. I felt happy it was over because my arm was really sore and I felt a bit proud that I didn’t need Dad to help. I felt a lot less frustrated than Brodie Kane appeared in her flat-pack challenge on Fair-Go. Here a some pics.