Living organisms have certain life processes in common. There are seven things that they need to do to count as alive. The phrase MRSGREN is one way to remember them. These letters stand for ... M - movement - all livings things have to move. R - respiration - getting energy from food. S - sensitivity - detecting changes in the surroundings. G - growth - all living things change from babies to adults. R - reproduction - making more living things. E - excretion - getting rid of waste. N - nutrition - taking and using food. It is very easy to tell if something is alive or not. A teddy bear might look like a bear, but it cannot do any of the seven things it needs to do to be alive. All it can do is sit there and look cute. On another hand, a car can move, it gets energy from petrol (like nutrition & respiration), it might have a car alarm (sensitivity), and it gets rid of waste through the exhaust pipe (excretion). But it cannot grow or reproduce. Movement, is one of the conditions of a living organism. Sometimes it is not that obvious in examples such as plants and fungus, but humans, you can see them grow and move. Respiration, or being able to breathe is the next condition. Some living breathe oxygen in the air using lungs whilst others like fish use gills to take the oxygen out of the water. Sensitivity, is all about being able to detect changes in the environment around the living organism. Examples of this include hairs on the human body and nerves in every living thing. The "G" in MRSGREN stands for growth and all living things do this, even if it is extremely slowly. An example of this is the Coral Reef. It is extremely slow at growing. All living things are capable of reproduction. There is also a huge amount of diversity in the number of offspring different speices produced. For example, fish lay millions of eggs as a survival strategy because they know that some are going to be eaten. Another thing that living things need to do is get rid of waste material and this process is called excretion. This comes in different forms such as manure, urine, gas, wee and poo. Some of these words are usually kept quiet. Nutrition, or obtaining and consuming food, is the final letter of the mnenonic MRSGREN. This means all living things have to eat or they face death. I'm sure I'd rather eat than die. Overall, it is well known that the diversity of life on Earth is amazing. You have to do these seven things or else you will die, and death is not a great thing.