Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Story Starter - Fred the Miner

Once there was a miner who lived in a underground mine. He never came out and he never saw any sunlight. His name was Fred and he swung a pick-axe all day until he didn't have any energy left so he flopped down in bed and went to sleep. Fred was born in the mine, he didn't go to school and he was pretty dumb. If he sold the valuables he found, Fred would be a billionaire. He mined, Gold, Coal, Charcoal, Crystal and he found an Emerald. Fred wasn't deep enough to find Ruby or Diamond. Fred lived with his Farther, Mother and two brothers. They were named; Farther: Jack; Mother: Crystal; First brother: Lachie; Second brother: Ben. Fred was older than his brothers. When dinner time came around the Farther Jack would go out with his Bow and Arrows and  shoot the odd Camel that was walking around. I can't imagine that was very tasty. Either that or die. But they were a happy family and that was the most that mattered.  

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